Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Story Behind Living Life with Grace Post

Last month I went by my son's school to close out his IEP. My son has special needs as classified by our local school system, but truthfully, at times, I forget that he is a little different from most kids his age. To me he is just Luke, what you see is what you get.

Luke was an answer to prayer for my husband and I. We had lost our first baby through miscarriage, and then were blessed with our oldest daughter. Then we lost a baby in 1999 as a result of Anencephaly, a neural tube defect. When I found out I was pregnant, after loosing our baby girl in 1999, what a relief it was when our little boy had no birth defects.

As Luke grew we relished all his successes and just the sweetness that he was (and still is). Luke was not the typical child. He didn't quite hit the growth milestones as he was suppose to, but the Doctor did not seem concerned, so we weren't. We just took it as Luke being who he is, nothing more, nothing less.

Instead of crawling Luke scooted on his little behind. We thought it was ingenious that he had decided to get around differently than other babies. We even got a lot of laughs out of seeing him get around. He was SOOOOOOO CUTE!

Luke also did not talk. We just figured he was a late bloomer. It wasn't until he was about 3 that he actually really started talking. My husband and I, along with his big sis, were about the only ones that could understand what he was saying and even then we had difficulty.

It wasn't until he was in school that we finally dicovered that his delayments were all because of something far beyond our control. For whatever reason God designed our boy a little different, a little unique, and filled with a whole lot of love and kindness of heart. He designed Luke to be Luke, a little boy who just learns a little different, and has some diffiultiy accomplishing a few tasks that we take for granted. Luke is also gifted with his unique prespective of the world. I am amzes everyday by him and how he sees the world. He is so much fun! (By the way, he talks ALL the time now!)

He has made milestones in the public school system, but I felt also that not everything was done to help him on his path to being all that he can be. So with the ending of this school year my husband and I chose to pull him out permanently to teach him from home.

And with that the reason why I was at school to close his IEP. I had already been looking for manipulatives to help Luke with his schooling from home. I was very excited to bring them with me to show his teachers, physical therapist, speech therapist, county school system psychologist and the school prinicipal. They were helpful and full encouragement for the seemingly huge task before me, all except for one. The Prinicipal was already not happy with me because the year before I had pulled our oldest daughter out of the system, and now I was doing the same thing with my son. After sharing with them briefly some of the things I was going to teach Luke this upcoming school year she just had to comment on my lack of considering creative writing. She commented that she seriously doubted my ability to take care of his learning needs.

Needless to say I was hot under the collar. Why would a school principal feel so highly of herslf as to right out insult a very capable parent?

My mother hen mentatlity was SOOOOO wanting to come out and just tell her what I thought of her and the public school system.


I decided to handle it with grace and respond sternly, but with kindness, that I, as his mother, was fully capable of taking care of his learning needs, and that there was no way I could share in that brief time everything I was going to do with him. I told her I understood her concerns, and that I was going to do creative writing with Luke, but only when he was ready. I also told her I wanted him to feel successful, not incapable.

Not long after that I left.

After having to deal with a year of Luke feeling like he could not do his work, and not seeing more improvement as we were promised that he would have, I made a conscious decision to pull him out for his own good. I know there will be many days ahead filled with difficulty, but also there will be many, many successes for Luke. He will begin to see himself as someone who is capable of reading, writing, and arithmetic. And we will do it with grace, tears, hoorahs, and determination, because it is the right thing to do for our family, and most importantly for Luke.


Where did I go?

Oops, I do not know what happened to me! I really don't!

Where did I go this month? Boy did I get sidetracked!

Do you ever get those moments when you just don't do what you need to do? I kept telling myself that I needed to get on this blog and write.

Do you see the date? Yikes!

Well, I am back! Hopefully I WILL NOT get sidetracked again. You are laughing! You know what? I am too!

I will post a REAL blog post in just a few minutes. You see I just got up and there are things I need to do before I am ready to really think!

See you in a bit! Hopefully I won't get sidetracked!


Monday, June 30, 2008

Living Life with Grace

As we live life, life just happens. It doesn't always run smoothly, in fact, most times it can be right out chaotic.

I don't know about you, but when things happen that I am not particularily thrilled with my instant reaction is often with disgust or wanting to do something about it right then and there. I want to react without giving the situation or myself the proper time to take it in and think about it. Especially, if it involves my kids. All I can say is watch out for Momma Hen!

I know I can absolutely blow it sometimes! In those moments I am definitely not handling the situation with grace.

Far from it!

Certainly, I want to act calmly and gracefully in the intense moment.

When living your life with grace you actually build your character. So next time when you just want to react to a situation, handle it with grace. If that means walking away then do so. But if it is a situation that really requires a verbal response, be firm, but watch your words. It is so much easier watching what you say instead of bringing embarassment to yourself, and then having to say you are sorry for how you handled the situation.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Natural Networkers

Ants? Yes! I learned some lessons from a massive move of ants on my North Carolina pantry last year. After returning from a last minute trip to the Myrtle Beach, SC, we discovered ants, thousands of them, eating our cereal, cookies, and breakfast pastries. They had even managed to find their way into sealed packages! Yes, we were frustrated! Not to mention feeling the pains of having got in the way of their work.

After spending a day cleaning up after the ants, throwing away boxes of food, vacuuming the ants, and screaming at the kids to stay away, I started thinking about those ants. I thought about how they worked with great determination. It was apparent they had a goal. Then I began to see that I had a lot to learn from them.

I grabbed a piece of paper and brainstormed the qualities in ants that make them great networkers. Ants are goal oriented, determined, know what they want and go after it, are over comers, persistent, team oriented, and they never make a conscience decision to quit.

If you have ever taken the time to look at a trail of ants when they are in the process of gathering food for their colony it is clear that they are goal oriented. They know what they want. Food! And they go after it! They don’t wonder around without a plan. They know they have to have food. Their lives depended on it.

Networkers have to have goals also. Clear goals are necessary to stay on course; to reach the prize.

So what are your goals? Those ants knew my baseboards, walls, cardboard boxes and sealed plastic packages would not keep them from attaining food for their colony. They knew what they wanted, knew how to get it, and then they went after it. Do you know what you want in your business? Do you know how to get it? Have you gone after it?

Determination was another quality that I saw in the ants. Determination is important to obtaining success in Network Marketing. If you don’t have determination you’ll never get anywhere. Imagine for a minute if those pesky little ants had not had determination. They would have wondered aimlessly around my floors and walls never getting anywhere. So activate determination in your Networking adventure and with it you will see things happen in your business that you have never seen before. You’ll reach your prize!

Know what you want and go after it. Those ants knew what they wanted. They knew what would give them fulfillment. What is it that you need? Make a list of what you want. Create a dream board or a dream book. The dream board or book will keep you focused. Write down your why on the dream board and put a picture beside it that represents your why. Place your dream board or book somewhere you can see it every day so it will be that perfect reminder of what you want.

Have you ever observed Ants as over comers? Are you an over comer? Ants will not let barriers get in their way of their goal. They don’t suddenly come to a dead end or a huge barrier and throw their legs up in frustration. They look for another avenue to travel. And if you are like me, you know what it is like when you get in the way of a determined, goal oriented ant: they bite! Don’t let barriers and dead ends get in your way and hurt you, "attack" back and overcome it by looking for creative ways to go around the barriers and the dead ends. It is possible!

Those ants…. they are persistent little creatures. I remember when I was a kid, I would sometimes interrupt an ant trail. I would run my foot through their ant trail and then watch the ants scramble to find their pheromone path again. No matter how many times I would disrupt their trail they always managed to find their original pathway. Dealing with the ants in my home was the same way, no sooner had I vacuumed them up then more ants would appear under the baseboard going along the same trail as their predecessors had done. We need to be persistent too! Don’t let something that seems bigger than you disrupt your pathway to success.

Ants are also team oriented. They don’t do the work of gathering alone; they work together with consistency, strength, and knowledge. Ants consistently do their job. They don’t lie around, use excuses, or work half heartedly. They put their all into their work. What kind of excuses are you using today to not work your business? Or is your "business" really just a hobby wanting to be a "business?

Ants are very strong insects and they can carry anywhere from 10 to 20 times their own weight. Why not try carrying 10 to 20 times your own weight! Great mental picture! Right! Ants know their strength and they use it to succeed. Have you ever seen an ant struggling with a dead insect or food particle that exceeds that 10 to 20 pound range? They struggle. They wobble. Their load shifts. What happens next? Quickly their team mates pitch in to help carry their load. They don’t tug and fight with who gets to carry the lighter or heavier end. They just take their side and go. They work together!

What are you doing to work together with your personally sponsored team? Even your crossline? Your upline? Find ways you can share your strengths with others in your organization. You will be surprised with how it makes you feel, let alone those you help.

Ants also use their knowledge to help the life of their colony. It takes knowledge and instinct to forage for food and then to move that food to their ant hill. What knowledge do you have that you are sharing with others? Hope you aren’t keeping it all to yourself! What good does that do? Nothing! You might get lots of immediate signups, make lots of money at first, but then if you are not the type who is willing to share your knowledge, what can happen to your team? They begin to give up on your abilities to lead them, and they leave disappointed. Don’t let your team down. Share with them what you have been given! And even if some do fall by the wayside, you at least know that you did your part to share your knowledge with them. Just do not take it personally.

Finally, ants never make a conscience decision to quit before they have gotten what they came for. Ants simply are not quitters! Don’t ever make a conscience decision to quit before you reap the benefits of what you have worked so hard to obtain. Give yourself time to develop your business. Ask for help! There is always someone out there willing to help. Find that mentor! Set a timeline to get your business going if you need to, and then commit to genuinely work your business with consistency and steadfastness. You never know what might happen next! Just make a conscience decision to succeed no matter what and then GO FOR IT! You will reap the rewards in time!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Blog Header Redesign Contest

Wanted to let you know about a contest going on at Joyfully Living for His Glory. You can win a redesign of your blog header by entering the contest!

Thanks Chelsey and Blue Yonder Designs for the contest.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I have not forgotten the blog...

and I will be back as soon as possible. More than likely I will post a real thoughtful blog post the week of May 18. I am now currently working on all the finishing touches with a meeting that I have coming up on the 17. So bare with me, I will be back.

Thanks, Latanya

By the way go to my website and register for a free candle and soap bar drawing . The candles are made from renewable resources (plant and vegetable waxes), are are practically soot free. They smell yummy too! By the way no black on the jar means no black in your lungs or in your home! The soap is wonderful too! It is great for your skin, your hair (YES, YOUR HAIR!...Scalp too!), and I have even been able to get out dried and set in mud out of a pair of Khaki capris. It is a funny story! maybe I will share it with you one day.

So here is the link to my company website. Once on the site just click the candle icon in the top right of the page! Hope you win!

Have a great week! Come back soon!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Get it Organized!

I almost laugh at the title of this post. You know why? I am a mom of three busy children in a home that most days seems about to burst forth from its seams. You know... the stuff you accumulate! Like most moms who decide to tackle their kids closets to organize the toys or to clean out the clothes that have gotten way too small, you get it looking great, BUT...! Yes, you know what I mean! Disaster strikes....again, in the form of your wonderful children. I could share lots of organizational tips on cleaning out the closet, the toys, etc. except around our house that type of organization lasts for almost 30 seconds. Even before I step out of the room there they go diving into the closet, again! Oh, well.

Anyway, I thought I would share with those who have found me by way of Lysa Terkeurst's blog (visit the link through the title above or through the button tab below) about organizing something that doesn't deal entirely with the kids. (Well, almost!) What is it? My pantry! This bit of organization came about last year by way of some pesky little creatures called ANTS!

While we were away from our house for a few days in 2007 a hungry Army of Ants decided that it would be awesome to have a dandy picnic in my pantry! Imagine my horror when we got back to find ANTS in our cereal boxes, cookies, snacks, and even in Ziploc bags still wrapped Easter candy! I was "enraged" enough to battle those determined little creatures that had invaded my territory and seized my family's food! Needless to say we got rid of them! One Battle won!


What could I do to keep those determined creatures from finding an "unguarded"way back into my house to come back for a second invasion? I went to Wally world! I commandeered a few plastic see-thru storage boxes in various sizes and I went to work. Those ants were not going to get back in my cereal boxes, cookies, snacks, and ziploc bags of candy! Not my chocolate! Oops, the kids chocolate!

So this is what I did: I placed my cereal boxes in the larger sweather box, and then I divided the remaining boxes into categories. I labeled each "air tight" storage box with a waterproof pen according to the contents inside. Not only do I have an orderly pantry shelf with our food protected from the invading Ants, but now everything has its place. It has actually cut down on the number of boxes of prepackaged snack food items, and the clutter (for the most part). Plus the kids know where to find what they love to eat for an afternoon snack!

I did learn a thing or two from the ants. I will have to share my Ant article with you another day, but it has to do with their sense of teamwork and determination to reach their goals no matter the obstacles. Come back and visit with me often. I would love for you to!

(Even though I started organizing my pantry I did stop at the snack foods. If you have some additional ideas for how I could further organize my pantry that would be great...I do need some additional help with it. I do tend to buy items that I already have one or two of in the pantry when I don't need them. With food cost rising I need to get it streamlined to cut my shopping costs down. My 6 yr old son eats like crazy and any little tips you can give would help me from overbuying plus save some cash.)



Saturday, April 5, 2008

Living in Success

Living in Success! That statement probably brings up many ideas in your mind, but what exactly does it mean to live in success. Does it mean that everything you touch is successful or is it more about an attitude of success; a way of living your life on target with a set purpose in mind?

Great question for thought. Right!

I see it more as an attitude!

Do you remember learning to ride a bike or learning to skate? Lots of bumps and bruises, probably even a scar or two were the results of your first few attempts. Did you quit? I would say...probably not.

What happened when you fell down that first time? Did you cry? Did you just walk away? Did you have a temper tantrum?


Did you have someone in your corner encouraging you to get back up and try again? And again! And again! Most likely you had your mom or dad there telling you "Get back up. You can do it!" Their encouragement and belief that you could motivated you to keep on going. Even through the tears, the aches, the dirt, and the bruises, you persevered until you did it! Success!

Now go back to what you felt in that moment of triumph. What did it feel like? Unbelievable? Exhilarating? Joyous? Probably all those emotions and more.

Were you glad that you did not quit? Were you glad that you had someone there keeping you on target? There is something to say for having someone there to encourage you to keep pushing; to keep following through.

So what is your attitude right now about some huge task ahead of you, or about some obstacle that has gotten you off focus from the road you know you are to take? What are you going to do about it? You could give up and just walk away? Or have a temper tantrum? Or will you choose to live in success by persevering by trying again and again until you break through to triumph?

Choosing to LIVE in Success,

I would love any feedback or comments to todays post! What are your thoughts on this topic!

I am hosting a training event on May 17, 2008 in Charlotte, NC for the Net Work Marketing company I am with. Our theme for the day is Living in Success. If you would like to find out more about this event visit the link above in the title. Or if you would like to know more about what I do from home visit: http://www.successfulcandlebiz.com .

We will also be taking up donations to send to a few US soldiers who are serving overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan. See the event registration site for more info.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Thank you, Lysa....

As I read your post from Thursday this morning it really spoke to me. You see, right now, I am in the process of planning a May meeting (http://livinginsuccessevent.com/) in the Charlotte area for the company I am with.

This is our second year for the meeting to help distributors and those thinking about our joining us with our opportunity. We have a stellar line up of leaders and business ideas to help our fellow candle business entrepenuers launch their businessess to the next level.

Last year we had a great first year turn out, but this year registrants haven't been registering as often. Truthfully, it has gotten me worried. We are no where near the number I have indicated to the hotel that we were planning to have.

Truth be known it is a little scary, and I am worried. However, your post has gotten me to rethink my perspective on the situation. I have not allowed the peace of Jesus Christ to freely flow in my life at this time, because I am worried about the outcome not being what my mind's eye has imagined it would be this year. When Jesus said, "Peace, be with you" He was telling the disciples that HE had already GIVEN them peace, but they had not taken hold of the PEACE. His presence is Peace!

Thank you for reminding me that I need to live in His presence and His peace! This meeting is in His hands. He will be there. And so will those that He wants to be there.

"Lord, help me to live in your Peace. Amen!"

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Fun in the Sun? Or is it cold on the Beach?

Notice anything missing? Nobody is out by the pool and lazy river! BRRrrrrr!

We are in the hot tub at the indoor pool!

Last week our family went to Myrtle Beach, SC. Normally you think of warmth, the hot sun and sand, and tons of warm water. Or ... that is the normal picture of a vacation at the beach. Not exactly so for our trip to the beach! Not in March!

It was cold and the breeze was cool while we were there. And I was not feeling at my best. In spite of the circumstances we did have fun.

Sometimes what we believe is the typical normal way to think of something is in fact just a belief about what we perceive in our mind's eye. You know that perfect day. Everyone and everything being just right. Then reality strikes.

The weather is chilly, the water is cold, the sun is not so hot, and the sand...well ...you don't want it in your shoes. But then you accept that the water and the sun aren't so warm, that you can't exactly sink your toes in the sand, and by no means do you stick your toes in the water. However, if you bundle up and prepare yourself for the weather outside then you can enjoy the present chilly or not! It is all in you mindset.

And you can perhaps find some fun out of the sun!

So what can you do today to change your view in your mind's eye?

What steps can you take to make changes to your mindset if your current path is way off from what you perceived it to be originally?

Next, how can you regroup and renew you so you will be prepared for changes in the weather?

Be prepared for whatever the weather.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Oh, the joy of living in the South...Spring has arrived

With the arrival of warmer weather our trees in North Carolina start to bloom and the pollen starts producing.

Oh, joy, joy! I love Springtime...just not the pollen.

Any allergy sufferers reading this will know what I mean! If we could only have Spring without the pollen, but on the flip side we would not have food! Not good! We need the pollen and the bees and other insects, etc. that pollenate everything!

One thing I do enjoy is the warmer weather. I love the 70's - degrees that is! I for one do not like the cold that much. Give me warmth and the flowers blooming and if I have to deal with the pollen, then sneezies, icthy eyes, allergy headaches just go along with the territory of the joy of Springtime.

Even with the pollen issues, Spring is a great time of year. It is the time for rebirth, renewal, and regrowth. Gone are the humdrum blues of winter.

Since we don't get a lot of snow where we are in NC, I normally can't wait to start seeing the buds come out on the trees, even if it signals a window of sufferering for me.

Spring can truly be a time of rebirth, renewal, and regrowth, if we let it.

A rebirth in old dreams that you thought were dead.
(Wipe those cobwebs away from dreams that you thought could not possibly come true. Revisit them and then rebirth them).

A renewal for a tired and weary spirit!

(Take the time to watch the birds welcome in Spring and take in the joy the Earth seems to have at the anticipation of newness of life).

Experience the regrowth of your old dreams.

(Remember those old dreams that you wiped the cobwebs off of? Yeah those! Reflect on them and give them the proper nourishment this time. Give them some TLC and some positive affirmation. Wait for it! There ...they are springing forth! Watch them grow into something more beautiful then you could have ever dreamed they could be.)

Enjoy Spring...maybe not the pollen....ehhh, aaaachoooooo!!!! But definitely enjoy Spring and the new life that it brings.


Monday, March 10, 2008

Welcome to my BLOG

Thank you so much for visiting my new blog!

After procrastinating for a long time I finally decided to go for it! And you are seeing the result!

I hope that you will take the time to come back often. As my introduction states I am a network marketing mom. Within this blog I will write about my success principles, trials, and the day to day life of a mom working from home. I hope that I will inspire and challenge you to life your life for the better and create your legacy.

My faith in Jesus is a big part of who I am. It is natural for me that my faith would pour out in the way I do my business and in this new blog. I can't just turn it off. It is all that I am and without it I am nothing.

Here are some facts that I know about you...

You were created with purpose!
You were created for a purpose!
You were created to live your life trying to find that purpose!
You were created to find your purpose!
You were NOT made by chance!

You were made to glorify GOD!

You were intentionally made by an intentional God for an intentional purpose!

Now it is up to you to discover the purpose that you were made for. It gives you an intentional life looking for an intentional purpose. You were not made just for you. You were made to BLESS others with your LIFE!

Maybe you already know your purpose...


Maybe you are seeking your purpose...


Maybe you are living your life now discovering how to live your life on purpose...

Whatever it is I hope that in some way I will inspire you to find, live, and share your intentional purpose with others. I am glad you are here.

Come learn with me!
Scents To Success

Move those Mountains

Ever felt like you were loaded down with huge mountains that seemed impossible to move?

When you think of a mountain you think of some impenetrable mass of earth, trees, rocks, and snow. Seems impossible to move right?

But what if one person, you, started hacking away at that mountain, slowly you would move a few bucketfuls, then a few dump loads, and then more and more. All the while you are hacking away the mountain is getting smaller until FINALLY the mountain begins to look a little less massive. "Yeah right," you are thinking, "it would take a lifetime to move a huge mountain." Yes, maybe a lifetime, but you would be moving that seemingly impenetrable mountain. You didn't let its massiveness get in your way. You did not let the imposing task keep you from succeeding at your goal of moving it out of your way.

Many times life gives us mountains. Those mountains could be a lost job, the lost of a child, selfishness, depression, a chronic or life threatening disease. A mountain could be anything that is holding you back from being who you were created to be. But that mountain presents itself with a solution to breaking down the massiveness of its presence...it lies in you!

You, yes, you! It really does! It is all about how you view it and then what you choose to do about it.

We are all given a choice to how we are to react to a crisis. No doubt we can choose to let that huge mountain crush us or we can choose to overcome the mountain. That huge mountain can be moved whether you go thru it, around it, over it, under it, or completely remove it one rock at a time. It is just a matter of how you see that huge mass looming ahead of you. Don't let it get the best of you, just perservere.

Through those tough times tackling your perilous mountain a new you is born!

Will that new you be a person of Hope, Strength, and Endurance, or will that new you be beaten down, discouraged, and hopeless? Choose to be that first person.

Use what you have learned and go teach someone else. Teach them that their mountains can be moved!

"For I know the plans I have for you," delcares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer. 29:11 NIV


I was inspired to write this as a result of our worship celebration this past Sunday at Southbrook Community Church in Weddington, NC.