Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Oh, the joy of living in the South...Spring has arrived

With the arrival of warmer weather our trees in North Carolina start to bloom and the pollen starts producing.

Oh, joy, joy! I love Springtime...just not the pollen.

Any allergy sufferers reading this will know what I mean! If we could only have Spring without the pollen, but on the flip side we would not have food! Not good! We need the pollen and the bees and other insects, etc. that pollenate everything!

One thing I do enjoy is the warmer weather. I love the 70's - degrees that is! I for one do not like the cold that much. Give me warmth and the flowers blooming and if I have to deal with the pollen, then sneezies, icthy eyes, allergy headaches just go along with the territory of the joy of Springtime.

Even with the pollen issues, Spring is a great time of year. It is the time for rebirth, renewal, and regrowth. Gone are the humdrum blues of winter.

Since we don't get a lot of snow where we are in NC, I normally can't wait to start seeing the buds come out on the trees, even if it signals a window of sufferering for me.

Spring can truly be a time of rebirth, renewal, and regrowth, if we let it.

A rebirth in old dreams that you thought were dead.
(Wipe those cobwebs away from dreams that you thought could not possibly come true. Revisit them and then rebirth them).

A renewal for a tired and weary spirit!

(Take the time to watch the birds welcome in Spring and take in the joy the Earth seems to have at the anticipation of newness of life).

Experience the regrowth of your old dreams.

(Remember those old dreams that you wiped the cobwebs off of? Yeah those! Reflect on them and give them the proper nourishment this time. Give them some TLC and some positive affirmation. Wait for it! There ...they are springing forth! Watch them grow into something more beautiful then you could have ever dreamed they could be.)

Enjoy Spring...maybe not the pollen....ehhh, aaaachoooooo!!!! But definitely enjoy Spring and the new life that it brings.


Monday, March 10, 2008

Welcome to my BLOG

Thank you so much for visiting my new blog!

After procrastinating for a long time I finally decided to go for it! And you are seeing the result!

I hope that you will take the time to come back often. As my introduction states I am a network marketing mom. Within this blog I will write about my success principles, trials, and the day to day life of a mom working from home. I hope that I will inspire and challenge you to life your life for the better and create your legacy.

My faith in Jesus is a big part of who I am. It is natural for me that my faith would pour out in the way I do my business and in this new blog. I can't just turn it off. It is all that I am and without it I am nothing.

Here are some facts that I know about you...

You were created with purpose!
You were created for a purpose!
You were created to live your life trying to find that purpose!
You were created to find your purpose!
You were NOT made by chance!

You were made to glorify GOD!

You were intentionally made by an intentional God for an intentional purpose!

Now it is up to you to discover the purpose that you were made for. It gives you an intentional life looking for an intentional purpose. You were not made just for you. You were made to BLESS others with your LIFE!

Maybe you already know your purpose...


Maybe you are seeking your purpose...


Maybe you are living your life now discovering how to live your life on purpose...

Whatever it is I hope that in some way I will inspire you to find, live, and share your intentional purpose with others. I am glad you are here.

Come learn with me!
Scents To Success

Move those Mountains

Ever felt like you were loaded down with huge mountains that seemed impossible to move?

When you think of a mountain you think of some impenetrable mass of earth, trees, rocks, and snow. Seems impossible to move right?

But what if one person, you, started hacking away at that mountain, slowly you would move a few bucketfuls, then a few dump loads, and then more and more. All the while you are hacking away the mountain is getting smaller until FINALLY the mountain begins to look a little less massive. "Yeah right," you are thinking, "it would take a lifetime to move a huge mountain." Yes, maybe a lifetime, but you would be moving that seemingly impenetrable mountain. You didn't let its massiveness get in your way. You did not let the imposing task keep you from succeeding at your goal of moving it out of your way.

Many times life gives us mountains. Those mountains could be a lost job, the lost of a child, selfishness, depression, a chronic or life threatening disease. A mountain could be anything that is holding you back from being who you were created to be. But that mountain presents itself with a solution to breaking down the massiveness of its presence...it lies in you!

You, yes, you! It really does! It is all about how you view it and then what you choose to do about it.

We are all given a choice to how we are to react to a crisis. No doubt we can choose to let that huge mountain crush us or we can choose to overcome the mountain. That huge mountain can be moved whether you go thru it, around it, over it, under it, or completely remove it one rock at a time. It is just a matter of how you see that huge mass looming ahead of you. Don't let it get the best of you, just perservere.

Through those tough times tackling your perilous mountain a new you is born!

Will that new you be a person of Hope, Strength, and Endurance, or will that new you be beaten down, discouraged, and hopeless? Choose to be that first person.

Use what you have learned and go teach someone else. Teach them that their mountains can be moved!

"For I know the plans I have for you," delcares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer. 29:11 NIV


I was inspired to write this as a result of our worship celebration this past Sunday at Southbrook Community Church in Weddington, NC.