Monday, June 30, 2008

Living Life with Grace

As we live life, life just happens. It doesn't always run smoothly, in fact, most times it can be right out chaotic.

I don't know about you, but when things happen that I am not particularily thrilled with my instant reaction is often with disgust or wanting to do something about it right then and there. I want to react without giving the situation or myself the proper time to take it in and think about it. Especially, if it involves my kids. All I can say is watch out for Momma Hen!

I know I can absolutely blow it sometimes! In those moments I am definitely not handling the situation with grace.

Far from it!

Certainly, I want to act calmly and gracefully in the intense moment.

When living your life with grace you actually build your character. So next time when you just want to react to a situation, handle it with grace. If that means walking away then do so. But if it is a situation that really requires a verbal response, be firm, but watch your words. It is so much easier watching what you say instead of bringing embarassment to yourself, and then having to say you are sorry for how you handled the situation.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Natural Networkers

Ants? Yes! I learned some lessons from a massive move of ants on my North Carolina pantry last year. After returning from a last minute trip to the Myrtle Beach, SC, we discovered ants, thousands of them, eating our cereal, cookies, and breakfast pastries. They had even managed to find their way into sealed packages! Yes, we were frustrated! Not to mention feeling the pains of having got in the way of their work.

After spending a day cleaning up after the ants, throwing away boxes of food, vacuuming the ants, and screaming at the kids to stay away, I started thinking about those ants. I thought about how they worked with great determination. It was apparent they had a goal. Then I began to see that I had a lot to learn from them.

I grabbed a piece of paper and brainstormed the qualities in ants that make them great networkers. Ants are goal oriented, determined, know what they want and go after it, are over comers, persistent, team oriented, and they never make a conscience decision to quit.

If you have ever taken the time to look at a trail of ants when they are in the process of gathering food for their colony it is clear that they are goal oriented. They know what they want. Food! And they go after it! They don’t wonder around without a plan. They know they have to have food. Their lives depended on it.

Networkers have to have goals also. Clear goals are necessary to stay on course; to reach the prize.

So what are your goals? Those ants knew my baseboards, walls, cardboard boxes and sealed plastic packages would not keep them from attaining food for their colony. They knew what they wanted, knew how to get it, and then they went after it. Do you know what you want in your business? Do you know how to get it? Have you gone after it?

Determination was another quality that I saw in the ants. Determination is important to obtaining success in Network Marketing. If you don’t have determination you’ll never get anywhere. Imagine for a minute if those pesky little ants had not had determination. They would have wondered aimlessly around my floors and walls never getting anywhere. So activate determination in your Networking adventure and with it you will see things happen in your business that you have never seen before. You’ll reach your prize!

Know what you want and go after it. Those ants knew what they wanted. They knew what would give them fulfillment. What is it that you need? Make a list of what you want. Create a dream board or a dream book. The dream board or book will keep you focused. Write down your why on the dream board and put a picture beside it that represents your why. Place your dream board or book somewhere you can see it every day so it will be that perfect reminder of what you want.

Have you ever observed Ants as over comers? Are you an over comer? Ants will not let barriers get in their way of their goal. They don’t suddenly come to a dead end or a huge barrier and throw their legs up in frustration. They look for another avenue to travel. And if you are like me, you know what it is like when you get in the way of a determined, goal oriented ant: they bite! Don’t let barriers and dead ends get in your way and hurt you, "attack" back and overcome it by looking for creative ways to go around the barriers and the dead ends. It is possible!

Those ants…. they are persistent little creatures. I remember when I was a kid, I would sometimes interrupt an ant trail. I would run my foot through their ant trail and then watch the ants scramble to find their pheromone path again. No matter how many times I would disrupt their trail they always managed to find their original pathway. Dealing with the ants in my home was the same way, no sooner had I vacuumed them up then more ants would appear under the baseboard going along the same trail as their predecessors had done. We need to be persistent too! Don’t let something that seems bigger than you disrupt your pathway to success.

Ants are also team oriented. They don’t do the work of gathering alone; they work together with consistency, strength, and knowledge. Ants consistently do their job. They don’t lie around, use excuses, or work half heartedly. They put their all into their work. What kind of excuses are you using today to not work your business? Or is your "business" really just a hobby wanting to be a "business?

Ants are very strong insects and they can carry anywhere from 10 to 20 times their own weight. Why not try carrying 10 to 20 times your own weight! Great mental picture! Right! Ants know their strength and they use it to succeed. Have you ever seen an ant struggling with a dead insect or food particle that exceeds that 10 to 20 pound range? They struggle. They wobble. Their load shifts. What happens next? Quickly their team mates pitch in to help carry their load. They don’t tug and fight with who gets to carry the lighter or heavier end. They just take their side and go. They work together!

What are you doing to work together with your personally sponsored team? Even your crossline? Your upline? Find ways you can share your strengths with others in your organization. You will be surprised with how it makes you feel, let alone those you help.

Ants also use their knowledge to help the life of their colony. It takes knowledge and instinct to forage for food and then to move that food to their ant hill. What knowledge do you have that you are sharing with others? Hope you aren’t keeping it all to yourself! What good does that do? Nothing! You might get lots of immediate signups, make lots of money at first, but then if you are not the type who is willing to share your knowledge, what can happen to your team? They begin to give up on your abilities to lead them, and they leave disappointed. Don’t let your team down. Share with them what you have been given! And even if some do fall by the wayside, you at least know that you did your part to share your knowledge with them. Just do not take it personally.

Finally, ants never make a conscience decision to quit before they have gotten what they came for. Ants simply are not quitters! Don’t ever make a conscience decision to quit before you reap the benefits of what you have worked so hard to obtain. Give yourself time to develop your business. Ask for help! There is always someone out there willing to help. Find that mentor! Set a timeline to get your business going if you need to, and then commit to genuinely work your business with consistency and steadfastness. You never know what might happen next! Just make a conscience decision to succeed no matter what and then GO FOR IT! You will reap the rewards in time!