Monday, March 10, 2008

Move those Mountains

Ever felt like you were loaded down with huge mountains that seemed impossible to move?

When you think of a mountain you think of some impenetrable mass of earth, trees, rocks, and snow. Seems impossible to move right?

But what if one person, you, started hacking away at that mountain, slowly you would move a few bucketfuls, then a few dump loads, and then more and more. All the while you are hacking away the mountain is getting smaller until FINALLY the mountain begins to look a little less massive. "Yeah right," you are thinking, "it would take a lifetime to move a huge mountain." Yes, maybe a lifetime, but you would be moving that seemingly impenetrable mountain. You didn't let its massiveness get in your way. You did not let the imposing task keep you from succeeding at your goal of moving it out of your way.

Many times life gives us mountains. Those mountains could be a lost job, the lost of a child, selfishness, depression, a chronic or life threatening disease. A mountain could be anything that is holding you back from being who you were created to be. But that mountain presents itself with a solution to breaking down the massiveness of its lies in you!

You, yes, you! It really does! It is all about how you view it and then what you choose to do about it.

We are all given a choice to how we are to react to a crisis. No doubt we can choose to let that huge mountain crush us or we can choose to overcome the mountain. That huge mountain can be moved whether you go thru it, around it, over it, under it, or completely remove it one rock at a time. It is just a matter of how you see that huge mass looming ahead of you. Don't let it get the best of you, just perservere.

Through those tough times tackling your perilous mountain a new you is born!

Will that new you be a person of Hope, Strength, and Endurance, or will that new you be beaten down, discouraged, and hopeless? Choose to be that first person.

Use what you have learned and go teach someone else. Teach them that their mountains can be moved!

"For I know the plans I have for you," delcares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer. 29:11 NIV


I was inspired to write this as a result of our worship celebration this past Sunday at Southbrook Community Church in Weddington, NC.

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